West Ham & Beckton Constituent Survey

Dear friend,

Hope you’re well. I’m Sophia and I plan to stand to be your Independent Member of Parliament at the next General Election and I want you to be part of this incredible journey, so please spare me a few minutes and read on.

As a Newham resident, I am so proud of our borough. It’s where I live and the place where I’ve raised my family. In fact, most of my time each day is spent in the borough where I meet and speak to so many of you, whether out shopping or in the park, or simply grabbing a sandwich. It’s also the reason why in November of last year, I stood and successfully won the local election campaign in Plaistow North and became a Councillor in Newham.

However, I did that after resigning as a member of the Labour Party because they no longer care about local people and their views. They refuse to listen, and people are totally fed up with career politicians in Westminster telling them what to do. They’re also fed up with supporting endless wars, allowing corporate greed and powerful lobby groups to make massive profits at our expense. We see the effects everyday with high energy bills and the huge increase in the cost of living. We know it’s likely the country will vote to get rid of the Conservatives and its long overdue, but will the alternative be much better? Labour say they will simply carry on the same, tired old policies of the Conservative party and they refuse to make any real difference to improving all our lives.

So, I want to be the Champion for people like you, for families like yours and for all the communities we have in West Ham & Beckton. And I’d like you to help me by telling me what matters most to you. It’s very quick and I will use the information to better understand your priorities as I work hard to win your trust and give me your vote.

Thank you,

Sophia Naqvi